Hospitality and Leisure
Link supply many hotels and restaurants with various forms of equipment to aid the efficiency and professionalism of their operations. Front of house, kitchen duties, security, facilities management, all aspects of the business can gain from good, discreet communications.
Be that paging systems that inform a customer their table is ready, kitchens confirming service ready or querying said order, housekeeping, maintenance and security, Link are able to supply and install all you need to ensure the efficiency of your business is enhanced.
We supply a number of leisure centres and swimming pools with systems to keep key personnel in touch to aid in the smooth, safe operation of their business. A number of waterproof radios and accessories are available to provide reliable use of equipment in “wet” areas.
Golf clubs are another area that Link have expanded into over the years, we have set up and provided equipment that not only allows voice communication over the course, but allows remote control and monitoring of irrigation, lone worker and mandown alarming, and industry standard headsets with built in communication to allow safe operation of machinery whilst still being in contact with supervisors and co-workers.